[MOON]SanAndreas Spawner

This is my continuation of the VehWepSpawner found here

This script allows spawning vehicles/weapons just by typing their names. This version is much more efficient than those previous ones and would also work for newly added vehicles & weapons.

This is not a CLEO script, it's a moonloader script. So download moonloader from here 

Change Logs:

1. Fully rewritten in Lua (moonloader).
2. More efficient
3. Previously if you typed "agwiudgsaudADMIRAL" it wouldn't work you had to type specifically "ADMIRAL"
  now it'd work with previous random/garbage characters.

1. Fixed a few crashes.

1. Fixed crashes with other TC mods.
2.Redone weapon spawning.
3. Added ability to add custom vehicle/weapon cheats.
4.Few optimizations.
5.Shortcut to respawn recent spawn

1.Added Weapon Spawner.
2.Optimized code.
3.Fixed bugs with vehicle names.

1.Initial Release

Special Thanks to Junior-Djjr & Um_Geek

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